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   You can also go to the AFA website to order my book, at There are many other good astrology books there to peruse and purchase.


Here are some thoughts about my book.  It is written mainly for students of astrology who are in the intermediate levels of learning, and by that I mean someone who is already familiar with the twelve signs of the zodiac, the meaning of the twelve houses of the horoscope, and have a good understanding of what the aspects between planets mean in the chart. You do not need to be an advanced learner to read and benefit from my book, but you may have to put on your thinking cap. It is not technically advanced, but it will require your appreciation of a psychological approach.


The book "Emotional dimensions of astrology", published by AFA in 2018, presents the story of the tensions that live within us, and refers to them as emotional dimensions in our lives. These dimensions can be viewed in the horoscope for our greater understanding of our self, and how we are motivated to build on our personal tensions that live within us. All of these tensions are found in the “hard” aspects in the birth horoscope (the conjunctions, squares, and oppositions), between planets, or between planets and the angles in the chart. These aspects hold tremendous emotional energy for us, and tremendous potential. They are not something to "get around" or to calm down or  to overcome. They are there for the development of our purpose and presence on Earth, and for the development of our spirits in eternity.  


The key to these emotional areas in our life is in the recognition of the houses which are ruled by the planets in hard aspects. The houses in which these planets reside are of course areas of our life where we see those functions (those planets) as most active; but the SOURCE of these tensions are in the areas of life ruled by those planets. It is not exactly a new concept, but it is a new concept to consider  that these two or more houses are permanently and specifically always working together and involved in our personal development. When we know that we are developing ourselves, then we are happy. 


This point cannot be stressed enough, because it is easy to forget. The key to our emotional centers starts in our early development in life.  These hard aspects are timed in our youth. Any planets in hard aspect with an orb of less than 12 years is developmental. At the age that these planets arrived to exact aspect by solar arc measurement, that was the time when circumstance in the home most strongly reflected this emotional tension that we feel. We lived through it. We carry it with us our whole life, and not because we are resentful, not because we are brooding about it. If we work at it, we will develop it into something awesome. 


This book also includes a somewhat different view of the Lunar nodal axis from the many popular views.  A large part of my book is devoted to the Lunar Nodal axis and how it defines our "place" in this world amongst others.  Our mother-figure influence in the early home is very much what reflects and describes our sense of place and belonging. Any planets in hard aspect to the Lunar Nodal axis (conjunct or square) are going to be especially revealing. The book goes through each planet that might be making contact in that way, and what that means to us in life. The Lunar Nodal axis is both our "top-roots" and our bottom-line sense of comfort and belonging in the world - with our families (our people) and with our greater circle of friends and contacts around us. A good understanding of that will bring a richer sense of self and connection to others. Though I am writing mostly about the hard aspects to the Nodal axis, the Nodes will still always describe the mother figure by sign, house, or aspects. We all had a mother figure, whether it was a nanny, an auntie, a stepmom, or a neighbor.


Please read my book and let me know if you think using this process has helped you or might help someone you know. Or go to the book review section of Amazon and leave a critique  there for people who are considering it.  Thank you so much for you input!

Here is my own mother, who was a very difficult mother for all three of her children, though, yes, she looks very nice here. In my chart I have the Lunar Nodes with Saturn (conjunct my South Node). It was astrologer Noel Tyl who noted that someone with the Lunar Nodes in hard aspect to Saturn experiences the mother as strict, as taking on the role of a father figure, as being controlling. I also have Moon in a square to Uranus suggesting the unpredictability of the mothering, the volatility of it. Bless her heart, as the Southerners say. She is passed on now.

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